Club Shows

Spring Rock and Arrowhead 

Rock and Mineral Show Coming

March 8 & 9,  2025

Theme:  Fire & Ice


Contact Laura Limb at or 541-891-1474







8 thoughts on “Club Shows”

  1. Hi Rockhounders, My name is Cheryl, my husband Alex and I want to cordially invite your club to our Agate Beds in Ashwood, Or. We are 35 min from Madras, Or, on Hwy 97, headed towards Shaniko, Or. We have Thundereggs, $1 lb, Pertrifiedwood, $2 lb, and Angelwing $3 lb. Alex has just hit another vein of of Angelwing, it’s orange, and is coming in smaller specimen pieces, very unique. Come for some fun! We are open on Sat 9am -3pm. We would be happy to flex hours or days that might work for your group. Call McDonald Ranch @ 541-489-3290. 🙂

  2. Hi Rock and Arrowhead Club! My name is Cheryl, and my husb@nd is Alex. We have Agate! We’d like to cordially invite your club to come rockhounding in Ashwood, Or at McDonald Ranch. We have Thundereggs $1 lb, Petrifiedwood $2 lb, Angelwing $3 lb. Alex hit another vein of Angelwing, it’s orange, and coming in smaller pieces, perfect for specimens, very unique. We are 35 min from Madras, Or. Headed North on Hwy 97. We are open most Sat 9 am -3pm, and can flex our days and hours to fit your needs. Hope you can make it!

  3. I paid for my spot in the November show but have not recieved anything from you stating I paid and that I have a spot.

  4. I have a large amount of petrified wood, obsidian, agates, etc., from the estate of Roy and Faye Ford who were rockhounds in Klamath falls for many decades. Have sold much but have much still. Interested?

    1. How do I navigate to an application for the march 14 & 15 gem show. I was in last year’s gem show., I loved it. My name is Joe Tyler, JTGEMS. You have my email address via this email. Hope to hear from you soon.

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