Our Club

   Officers & Executive Board


President…… Laura Limb

Vice-President…… Mark Wright

Secretary/Recorder ………   Kim Karalus

     Treasurer ………. Denise Hard

       NFMS Director ………. None

         Member at Large ………… Kurt Phillips

Past President ………… Laura Limb

          NFMS Junior Delegate ……….. Open

Meetings are held at the Klamath County Museum Meeting Room – Main & Spring Streets, using the WEST ENTRANCE.  Meetings are held on 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM with the exception of March & December. 

Visitors are Cordially Invited to Attend

Dues are $13.50 per year per adult ($25 for couples plus $1 per child up to $30), $8.50 ages 16-18 and free for juniors ages 15 and under whose parents pay dues.  They are paid for the year beginning September 1st and ending August 31st.  You are delinquent as of October 1st and are given a 60 day grace period.  After December 31st your name will be removed from the mailing list.

The Club mailing address is:

PO Box 1803

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Dusty Rocks Newsletter is published at least 10 times a year prior to the 2nd Monday meeting of the coming month.  Its purpose is to inform the readers about club activities, provide educational articles, shop hints, safety tips and to share information and a laugh or two!

All material in this bulletin may be reprinted if proper credit is given.  Exchange bulletins welcome. Members are urged to contribute items for the bulletin.  All items to be published should be in the hands of the Editor, no later than the 25th of the month preceding publication.

Newsletter Editor ……….  Kim Karalus


To promote popular interest, knowledge and understanding in the various earth sciences, as in Geology,
Mineralogy, Paleontology and Lapidary and other related subjects.  To sponsor and provide means of
coordinating the work and efforts of all persons interested therein.

ByLaws                                              Constitution


Programs……….Mark Wright
Claims Rep……….Marshal Curren
Field Trips………. Mark Wright
Show Chair……….Laura Limb
Asst Show Chair……….Kurt Phillips

Safety Officer……….Laura Limb
Webmaster……….Bryson Newnham

Membership Coordinator……….Kim Karalus

Questions or Corrections:





Copyright 2007-2025 © Arrowhead and Rock Club

All rights Reserved             

7 thoughts on “Our Club”

  1. I have a 15 1/2 pound thunder egg that I would like to pay someone to cut for me. Who would I contact about this? Thanks.

  2. Hi,
    My husband and I will be in Klamath Falls, in October this year would your group be able to give us some information on where to go and what we might find? Also are there any planned trips?
    Thanks, Vicki

    1. We have some stuff on our website. At this point with the COVID-19 we have not solidified the field trips we are going on yet.

  3. Hello, my name is Clark David. I was given a rock that looks like a giant black egg with some brown on one side that has specks of crystal in it. It is still in egg form and I was wondering what it is and if it is worth anything. Could you please help. I could bring it to you if needed. Thank you.

  4. I would like to be a vendor at your upcoming Spring Gem and Rock Show on March 11&12, 2023. Please send me information, thank you.

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