Arrowhead & Rock Club
Klamath Falls ~ Oregon
This club was established many years ago as a non-profit organization to promote interest, knowledge and understanding in the various earth sciences… in particular, the subjects of mineralogy, geology, archaeology, paleontology and lapidary.
Members in Action
This is a forum for everyone’s monthly activities. Please send the webmaster or editor notices about any important events or exciting adventures that you have experienced this last month.
[level-members]More of adventure to come next month.
Above: Larry Phillips and Sam Chance
Above: Chris Chance in the BEAUTIFUL Nevada De-sert.
McDermit, NV Field Trip: A snapshot
Info submitted by Chris Chance
(This field trip occurred June 20-27, 2013)
We left Klamath Falls about 9 AM for McDermitt by way of Rt. 140. Before we got to Virgin Valley turn off, there was a gravel pit with lots of room for park-ing at mile post 101 and you could see the cliffs from 140. Those cliffs were where we picked up bubbly geodes and the whole area of cliffs was made of geodes crumbling from these cliffs, big chunks and small singles. We loaded the biggest pieces for yard art. At the gravel pit we searched for unique pieces of agate and some petrified wood. It was ear-ly so we drove on the RV park in McDermitt.
Friday the 21st we got an early start on our hunt at the Cordova Mercury Mine to the west and south of the town. The ground was dry so we had no problem driving all the way across the floor of the mine. There was huge boulders of agate and wonderstone, not moveable but breaking down into smaller pieces. Small pieces of jasper and opilite , the red and pink in the white opilite is where they get the mercury after grinding and heat processing. When we had had all the busting of rock we could handle, a drive to explore the area was an easy plan. An Idaho club was camped on the Cottonwood Creek crossing, and up the steep hill road. I found petrified wood right in the middles of the tracks. We all found large pieces of good looking wood, even on top of the ground. On our way back to town we came across the camp of our host club from Grants Pass, OR. On Saturday we drove to find Blue Mountain Jasper. Then to a field of weathered thunderstones all laying out in windrows, ready for the picking. Small singles and multi connected ones, by that time, we were running out of buckets and were given sandbag bags to put our thundereggs into from the club’s president, Roy.
Hello Rockhounds,
I have a complete lapidary set up for sale in Klamath Falls if anyone is interested.
***20” rock saw***
*** rocks/slabs & more***
I have listed the craigslist link below. Or you can call me
Call 707 951 5151
Thank you for your interest 😊